Sport newsmen

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Sport newsmen

Post by dead_already »


I've just read an article of one of the most respected sport writers of a country(let's call it A).Now this guy makes his articles like this:he has an information and he builds moral stories around this information,which people really enjoy (I belive) and thus take as "the right thing to do".Today he wrote his article around this following information:1 team from country A will be SEEDED in a round benefiting from another team's (from the same country A) European journey in a previous year.Well it turns out the info is wrong.A team is SEEDED or UNSEEDED in a round based on their individual ranking(rating).
And 2 days from now, when he finds out the original info is wrong(if he finds out),what happens?I tell you what happens:he doesn't write another article saying he was wrong,he does nothing in fact.So not only he misleads the public (by his lack of professionalism,or whatever),he also hides the truth from the public in order to save his image.Or better,he writes another article saying that things have changed dramaticly(a 180 degrees turnaround ),thus explaining to the public that what he had previously wrote has no LONGER any value(but letting people belive that what he wrote was the truth.
What bothers me is not neceseraly that the information is wrong and consequently the whole article -pointless,but the fact that this KIND of guy is the first one to claim whenever his newspaper has a conflict with a player or club owner that HE REPRESENTS THE PUBLIC.So any silenzio stampa to HIM is in fact an attack to the PUBLIC's RIGHT.This KIND of ATTITUDE is frequently seen among sport writers in my country.
I do not feel represented by this guy and I do not know who gave him the right to mislead people in my name.
Does anyone feel the same about journalists from their countries? Does this kind of problem bother you as much as it bothers me?
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Post by panda »

Sorry to reply in a very mild way, but my answer is no.

In England I read and hear a lot of sports journalism(not even just football). A very large amount of it is by former players / current or former managers. There is a lot of good analysis and I learn a lot. Of course I have favourites - I don't think most people's favourites are related to their being controversial.

When journalist expresses a popular view (e.g. in WC, why does Sven rate Hargreaves) and then finds the popular view was wrong, it is usual that then he / she says 'This is sport, where anything can happen.'

There is an increasing amount of fan forum and phone-in stuff where you can express your disgust (usually with the failings of your own team.) In these cases the presenters / moderators often try to play devil's advocate, or the team they support themselves is known, and callers can sympathise with how bad that team is as well as making their own point.
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Post by Giuseppe »

Well in my country (that would be Romania - as if it isn't obvious) jurnalists get into conflicts with players, managers, teams and their owners all the time. I think that a fair portion of the lack of credibility of Romanian football can be traced back to them. By this I don't mean that they are always wrong, but they do have the habbit of stirring trouble even where and when there should be none.

Of course their constant criticism also has its good parts; today it's much harder to get away with dirty stuff than it was 10 years ago (or even 5).

One thing I've noticed though - when they get things wrong (I mean the jurnalists, the newspapers etc) they rarely acknowledge their mistake. Most of the time they'll ignore the mistake or they'll stick to it even if they may be wrong.

P.S. Is there any chance that you're Romanian and the article you were refering to is Catalin Tolontan's article from Gazeta Sporturilor where he claims that Steaua's easy run to the UCL is partly due to Rapid's good run last season in UEFA Cup? Which of course implies that Steaua's team coefficient has somthing to do with what other Romanian teams do in Europe.
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Post by ignjat63 »

Serbian journalists as a rule are not very realistic. It can be seen in a number of ways. They are quick to label a new player a big star and if the kid does not do well then it's him to blame for not fulfilling "everybody's" expectations. They always put the national team down but when the big competition comes they almost expect us to win the title, and when we do not they put the team down even more. It is like that most of the time and one should not even bother reading what they write. Many openly favor a club and are of course never objective. I do not remember a single occasion EVER that anyone talking about football quoted a journalist. And it is that bad, I am not exagerating.
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Post by dead_already »

Well I must admit I WAS WRONG this time.The guy stood up and admited the information on which he based half of his article(and not the whole article like I wrote-once again I WAS WRONG)was false(wrong,not good ,however you'd like to call it).So I mislead you saying that he will not do this in order to protect his image-therefore I apologize to you(for misleading you) and to him(for bringing damage to his image).
Anyhow this is one of the few times(I would say something like the 30th time out of 1000-but again ,I might be wrong) that someone from the sport's press of my country has an opinion based on a false(wrong,not good) information and when he finds out he admits it.Some of the times
when the guy doesn't admit it (or even worse,the tournaround thing) the player,coach,owner,manager,cleaning lady,he's attacking gets upset and declares Silenzio stampa (by him or by the whole club by virtue of solidarity)to the journalist,journalist's newspaper or even the whole press.Now,the coaches ,managers,club owner (I don't really know about the players,I guess I get confused some times) are no angels themselves.
They too try to use the press(to influence decisions football 's governing bodies,to attack referees-one of the most stupid things in my opinion,very damaging to the phenomenon,to obtain the fan's favour for their action,and so on).I am not to pleased about this but that is my problem(there's no such thing as perfection).
My only question is WHY,when a fight is started between the journalists and the "club parts(or parties)" do the journalists try to blackmail(my opinion) the "club parts" using the public opinion("the public opinion argument" says that if a player,coach,club official declares silenzio stampa he is in fact bringing damages to the fans,so it's somehow ,as the press would put it :"if you fight the press ,you fight the public" ).I am not trying to defend one of the parties(press or club).I am just trying to preserve the(MY) right over the(MY) neutral position I take.And I think there are other members of the pubic that would like to preserve
the(THEIR) right to choose(THEIR CHOICE-this is the most important thing) their camp.

That being said the goal is not to discuss whether I'm right or wrong.All I did is to present you the fan-press-club situation in my country as I see it and I hope to you will do the same concerning your country.I perhaps asked the wrong questions in my first post(I admit I was "under the influence" of the article).I should probably have asked :What is the situation concerning the press-club-fan(with the accent on PRESS) situation in your country and how do you fell about it?Or how do you feel about the press in your country(satisfied ,unsatisfied and why)?This will help me (and anyone interested) to situate my(their) press among
European presses(is that a word?).Then I will draw my own conclusion about me being bothered about the situation in my country.Thank for your replies.I see there is better and worse.

To panda:I'm not sure I understand the last phrase you wrote.But if I did get it right then here is my reply.I am not trying to get anyone's sympathy towards my team or some other hidden goal(I did not mention my team's name nor my country's but if you thing that will help things I will).The only hidden goal I have is that this was the first time I KNEW with facts that the journalist was wrong and yes,I wanted everyone to know about it.But this is not a discution(for me) about him-I did not mention his name- or my team.I think the words in capitals from my first post can back me up.But I agree that it has nothing to do anymore with UEFA EUROPEAN CUP FOOTBALL(as the guy said he was wrong,the journalist that is :) ).So if you want to close the case I won't hold it against you.
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Post by retroactive »

Nope sorry i disagree. It is not enough say i was wrong. And in the next article to throw with mud again. This specific guy attack the same team in 5 from 6 editorials in a weak. And is not the only one. But then again, nobody oblige you to read his nonsense; you do i it on your own risk.

Yes we have a weak press. Each article is a attack to some person or team. We hardly have a press to inform us. In exchange they oblige us every time to read their opinions and ironies. They try to treansmit us what are the supreme values and standars to guide our lifes. Is LOW from them.

They bring insults and calomies to people part of this phenomenum, football, and like said before, when some Silenzio Stampa they attack even harder and try to blackmail the respective people and clubs with the fans, that do not have access to information because of silenzo stampa, imformation which they do not provide anyway.
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Post by panda »


No - sorry- last paragraph was purely informative, when I said 'you' I meant you in general, one, people, not you dead_already

I mean that in recent years this forum format grew in popularity in UK, esp as telephone phone-in- the fan phones in and complains about the bad playor bad management of their team (well, a few can be happy each Saturday). Especially popular on Saturday at 6 p.m. just after the matches and reports. If you miss getting on, they even have lines which are just answered by machines. You leave your message of disgust, and they broadcast the best ones. Sometimes these programmes can be very funny. I wondered if this sort of phone-in was common in Europe (I imagine it is)

So, it was not a criticism of you in any way!
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